校友會相簿 (2023-2024)

(04) 青中群社(2024)畢業禮於6月1日圓滿舉行 (01/06/2024)





青中校友歌詠團亦獲邀參與表演環節,在何小馨(73奮)團長两位學生-丁龔霆老師及吳天心專業指揮及伴奏下,獻唱Come to Say Thank You, 更與畢業及中五同學合唱《驪歌二重歌》,氣氛動人。特別感謝鄺明熹 (65元)及劉英慈(71謙)撥冗親臨觀禮支持。


期待校友與師生繼續相聚,體現 "一天青中人、一生青中人" 的一份情誼。







(03) 校友日 - 緣聚一刻 (2024/2/3)

The Home-coming Day held on 3 February, 2024 brushed up the colourful campus life and recalled their past school life in Ching Chung for alumnus. Big brothers and sisters visited the Ching Chung campus with happiness and excitement although most of their good old days took place in Bridges Street campus. Their united spirit of love and support to Ching Chung is constant no matter where the location of the campus is. Other than visiting the campus and seeing new facilities of the school, brothers and sisters sang the school song and other traditional Ching Chung songs which were sang in different ceremonies as time of being students to show their commitment and promise of being Ching Chung Yan (青中人). The half-day visit truly brought all alumnus an unforgettable memory.


Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity



(02) 校友會元旦活動 (2024/1/1)

2024元旦早上校友會舉辦了《追尋何世明校長的足印》導賞活動。透過由校友主持導賞,讓不同年代的校友們一起思念恩師,緬懷昔日青中情,承傳敬師愛校的傳統。 是次出席的校友們多達四十多人,更有校友從海外回來參加是次的相聚活動。 

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity



(01) 尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023/12/13)


尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)

尋訪青中舊日足跡 (2023-2024)