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Principal Cheung

29th November 2021

Dear Parents,

With the quiet and soft-landing of autumn, a favorable season in a year reminds us the arrival of the 60th Anniversary of Chinese YMCA Secondary School. The reason why the anniversary is celebrated in November is because the school was founded in November 1961 on Hong Kong Island. The school was established to serve the community by providing children with Christian education from primary to secondary levels. We appreciate and honour all formerly-respected principals of CYMCASS. They are Rev. Ho Sai Ming (the first principal), Mr. San Siu Kan (the second principal), Mr. Chan Joe Chak (the third principal) and Mr. Chan Kam Wai (the fourth principal). They all have put efforts in building CYMCASS and committed themselves to education earnestly. As the fifth principal, I will keep leading the school to enter a new era with courage and hope. Not only connecting CYMCA Kindergarten and Primary School to provide the community with a ‘one-stop’ quality service education but also, we keep upholding our school’s core values which are to help students build confidence, create positive mindset, expand international horizons, nurture humbleness and practice gratitude. All these are to equip the new generation of Ching Chung students to become resilient, competent, responsible and caring global citizens. If you want to know more about our school’s establishment and history, please visit our school’s homepage:

On November 20, 2021, our S1 Admission Seminar was held successfully. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we arranged 400 parents to attend the physical seminar in our school hall. Other 1,500 parents attended the online live broadcast. There were nearly 2,000 guests who joined the seminar. Aside from having teachers and staff to hold the seminar, we did invite students (particularly, student leaders) and parents to participate in it by playing supporting roles in sharing sessions and question-answer session after the seminar. Earnestly, we shared parents with our school vision and mission to let them know CYMCASS is a trustworthy partner, guiding their children to grow and walk in the direction of God. We look forward to meeting potential parents and students at our up-coming interviews. What are some of the tips for having a successful S1 entrance interview? Being positive, hardworking, honest, polite and responsive. Additionally, we want our students to be able to strike a good balance between academic and non-academic areas because Ching Chung is regarded as a school which always moves forward vigorously and zealously with an emphasis on all-round education.

‘Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.’
(Proverbs 22:6)

Principal Cheung