The 13th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and Culture Senior - Category A: Written Report - Champion (18/01/2025)

Academic Year
2024 - 2025
Achievement Type
Academic Awards

Our Form 6 students, Cheung Yan Yu and Huang Yee Yan, decisively won the championship in the “Senior - Category A: Written Report – Champion” at the " The 13th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and Culture " organised by the Hong Kong Museum of History & The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture.

Entitled "是教育也是商品——上世紀至資訊時代香港中史教科書的發展變遷", the report delves into the evolution of Chinese history textbooks from the post-war period to the modern era. During the study process, the students extensively searched government archives to understand the development and changes of Chinese history books. They also interviewed many authors of Chinese history textbooks to understand the publication process. What is particularly significant for our school is that one of the interviewees was alumnus Professor Chow Kai Wing, who shared his insights as an author for one of the Chinese history textbook publishers.

At the award ceremony in mid-January 2025, the students confidently introduced their research results to the guests in the form of a novel drama. We also met Mr. Wong Ho Chiu, the first graduate of CYMCASS, as the award presenter. In addition, exhibition boards made by students were displayed at the award ceremony and will be moved to the Jao Tsung-I Academy for exhibition in the future.

  Class English Name Gender Name of Award (Chinese)
1 6LC CHEUNG YAN YU F 第十三屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 - 高級組甲項(文字報告)- 冠軍
2 6NC HUANG YEE YAN F 第十三屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 - 高級組甲項(文字報告)- 冠軍