Alumni Album (2023-2024)

(04) 青中群社(2024)畢業禮於6月1日圓滿舉行 (01/06/2024)





青中校友歌詠團亦獲邀參與表演環節,在何小馨(73奮)團長两位學生-丁龔霆老師及吳天心專業指揮及伴奏下,獻唱Come to Say Thank You, 更與畢業及中五同學合唱《驪歌二重歌》,氣氛動人。特別感謝鄺明熹 (65元)及劉英慈(71謙)撥冗親臨觀禮支持。


期待校友與師生繼續相聚,體現 "一天青中人、一生青中人" 的一份情誼。







(03) Home Coming Day 2024 - A Moment of Serendipity (2024/02/03)

The Home-coming Day held on 3rd February, 2024 brushed up the colourful campus life and recalled their past school life in Ching Chung for alumnus. Big brothers and sisters visited the Ching Chung campus with happiness and excitement although most of their good old days took place in Bridges Home-coming Day 2024 Street campus. Their united spirit of love and support to Ching Chung is constant no matter where the location of the campus is. Other than visiting the campus and seeing new facilities of the school, brothers and sisters sang the school song and other traditional Ching Chung songs which were sang in different ceremonies as time of being students to show their commitment and promise of being Ching Chung Yan (青中人). The half-day visit truly brought all alumnus an unforgettable memory.

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity

Home Coming Day-A Moment of Serendipity



(02) Alumni Association New Year activity (2024/1/1)

On the morning of New Year's Day 2024, the Alumni Association held a guided tour of "Following the Footprints of Rev. Ho Sai Ming". Through the guided tour hosted by senior alumni, alumni of different generations can experience the nostalgia for their teachers, recall friendships in the past, and inherit the tradition of respecting teachers and loving the school. There were more than 40 alumni present this time, and some alumni came back from overseas to participate in this gathering.

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity

Alumni Association New Year activity



(01) Explore the footsteps of Ching Chung (2023/12/13)

On December 13, 2023, Chairman Alex Lam Wai Kin, Mr. Leung Shing Kei, and Ms Lau Ying Chi of the Alumni Association led the S3 Non-Chinese Language Student on a journey to explore the old footsteps of our school. They visited the former site of our school in Sheung Wan, the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong at Bridges Street and the PMQ (Police Married Quarters) creative hub. Stepping into the preserved historical buildings where our seniors once held meetings and sports classes, the students were filled with curiosity. We are grateful to Mr Leung Shing Kei and Ms Lau Ying Chi for their dedication to Ching Chung, their care for their younger schoolmates, and their embodiment of the spirit of "Once a Ching Chung Yan, Always a Ching Chung Yan"!

Explore the footsteps of Ching Chung

Explore the footsteps of Ching Chung

Explore the footsteps of Ching Chung

Alumni Album (2023-2024)

Alumni Album (2023-2024)

Alumni Album (2023-2024)

Alumni Album (2023-2024)

Explore the footsteps of Ching Chung

Alumni Album (2023-2024)

Explore the footsteps of Ching Chung