

House Ren Yi Zhi Yong Jie
Colour Red Orange Green Blue Purple

The five houses of Ching Chung bear the noble appellations of Benevolence (Ren), Righteousness (Yi), Wisdom (Zhi), Courage (Yong), and Purity (Jie). 

The ancient Chinese believed that jade embodies five virtues, and these five virtues represent the highest standards of moral character that the ancients sought to cultivate.

Red House (Ren)


“As jade suffuses its surroundings with a gentle, nourishing warmth, so too does the virtue of benevolence emanate from the compassionate soul.”

Just as jade is smooth and lustrous, the virtue of ren (benevolence) manifests as kindness, compassion and altruism.


Orange House (Yi)


“The patterns etched upon jade's surface unveil the integrity that lies within, for righteousness is thus revealed.”

The intricate designs adorning the jade mirror its inner qualities, representing the virtue of yi - upholding justice, integrity, and truthfulness.


Green House (Zhi)


“Jade's melodious tone, which carries far and wide, exemplifies the virtue of wisdom.”

The refined timbre that jade produces when struck represents the possession of wisdom,  discernment, and foresight.


Blue House (Yong)


“Where jade would rather shatter than bend, so too does the virtue of courage stand firm and unyielding.”

The jade's resolute refusal to compromise its form captures the indomitable spirit that defines determination, relentlessness and unwavering bravery.


Purple House (Jie)


“Even when shattered, jade remains unblemished by malice, for purity of character is thus embodied.”

Though the jade may be broken, it retains its purity and refrains from malice or vengeance, representing the virtue of jie - maintaining nobility, incorruptibility and rectitude.


May the students of Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School embody these five virtues and become pillars of moral excellence, akin to flawless jade.