Public Media Coverage
From healthy posture to period products, Lancome Write Her Future contest helps Hong Kong girls grow their ideas
21/4/2023 Principal’s Sharing at RTHK - A radio program (Crazy and Happy Show)
20/4/2023 Commercial Radio 881903 Principal Cheung’s sharing with songs and stories.
香港中華基督教青年會於一九零一年創辦,秉承「非以役人,乃役於人」的基督精神,致力培育青少年建立健全的品格及正確的價值觀念,使其獲得德、智、體、群四育之均衡發展, 發揮他們的潛能及領袖才能,增進青年人的公民意識和對社會的責任感,從而服務社群。 現今環境,青年人擁有獨特潛能和理想,可惜很多時候因資源的缺乏,令夢想無法實現。「青年理想實踐基金」的成立,旨在提供機會及資助予有志的青年人,將理想發揮成為力量,付諸實行,創造生命的傳奇。 香港中華基督教青年會青年理想實踐基金
11/3/2023 In a Commercial Radio Program: "Keeping Pace With The Times”, Principal Cheung introduced the vision and curriculum” in CYMCASS. By introducing diversified STEM and STEAM learning activities in the school, it also provides students with relevant courses which are recognised by the Qualifications Framework sponsored by the Productivity Council. There are aviation-based visits to cultivate students' interest in AEROSTEM.