Public Media Coverage

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Media Coverage: 「青中三塔」制霸空域 大勝聖傑靈50分 (摘自:體路 2017年12月18日) 電子報 永隆全場表現突出,一直領先,青中永不放棄,最後一秒石文雅籃底射入,反超前一分奠定勝局! (摘自:香港學界精英籃球Facebook網頁 2017年12月24日) 片段 青中重整旗鼓 四強鬥漢華一證實力 (摘自:蘋果日報  2018年1月28日) 電子報 傷癒即做青中救星 石文雅走出陰霾 (摘自:蘋果日報  2018年1月28日) 電子報 奮戰到底!青年會拚盡無悔 (摘自:東網 2018年1月29日) 電子報 青中演最強「大衛」 奮戰到底衝破關口 (摘自:體路  2018年1月30日) 電子報 堅信沒有不可能的事 羅雅穎:沒有想過輸 (摘自:香港01  2018年1月31日) 電子報   膝傷初癒 青中石文雅自言緊張 (摘自:蘋果日報 2018年2月3日) 電子報 青年會中學挫漢華 明與協恩爭后冠 (摘自:蘋果日報  2018年2月3日) 電子報
On the 14th of July, 2015, at Shouson Theatre in Wanchai Arts Centre, our school musical team had performed twice in public and earned recognition from their audience. Adapted from the fiction “1metre48″ by a local writer, Mrs. Ho Wu Yin Ching, the annual English musical performance was the product of the collective efforts of our wholehearted teachers and sedulous students in the past 9 months. The story of the musical is about the experiences of a group of Form one students when they first enter secondary school. They are facing pressure from their studies, their families and their peers. “If a bunch of kids could not grow from 1.48m to 1.84m within one day or even fail to reach this height after trying all means, were their lives destined to be filled with regrets?” Our teachers and students have shown us that this is not true — the lives of these children can still be beautiful and unique. They exhibit the writer’s hope about the attitude and belief of “helping each other to live a more complete life” can become the spiritual outlets of the young people in need. ePaper (Chinese version only): Title:不要叫人小看你年輕,每個人生的一米四八。 Title:我來自天水圍,但我不可悲。 The making of “1metre48″
Our Girls Basketball Team has been honorably invited to participate in the “Panasonic Inter-School Basketball Competition 2015″ which will be held on May 29 to 31. The other participating teams include Heep Yunn School, Diocesan Girls’ School, Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Kwai Chung), Po Kok Secondary School and Hon Wah College. As this competition is a grand event in the school sports world, it has been widely reported by the media. The Oriental Press Group website (campus has released relevant news on March 12 (Click here to view the contents in Chinese). 「擔任抽籤嘉賓的施維雄直言睇好協恩可奪冠『基本上協恩在近年橫掃女子學界籃壇,其實很難找到可以擊敗她們的對手,故絕對看高一線,但亦不能看輕同組的青年會,皆因她們擁有3名U16港青球員壓陣。』」(按此觀看全文) 「女子組方面,衛冕的協恩中學遇上今年在精英賽成績大躍進的裘錦秋中學(葵涌)以及擁有3名U16港青球員的中華基督教會青年會中學,預料有番惡鬥。」(按此觀看全文)
Our Girls basketball team pursues their dream Resonant cheers resounded through the Southorn gymn Thank you for all of your enthusiastic support in the “Panasonic Inter-School Basketball Competition” which ended with a huge success. Our school won “The Most Popular Video Award” in the “Basketball Teen Video-shooting Contest”. Click here to view our winning clip. It is time for us to express our heartiest gratitude for your participation and encouragement! The competition was held on 29th May at the Southorn Stadium, Wanchai. A strong cheering team of 400 audiences including members of our School Management Committee, alumni, parents, teachers and students gathered at the stadium to support our team. The air was filled with our high spirit of unity, resonant cheers and thunderous applause. In competing against the two strong basketball teams, Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Kwai Chung) and Heep Yunn School, our girls showed superb skills with no sign of fear. They clearly demonstrated their persistence and determination in the two beautiful battles. Newspaper (Chinese version only) 青年會中學震撼修頓勁揪打氣團嗌爆修頓 青年會贏盡掌聲神奇校長教出青年會奇兵神奇校長夠堅 青年會搶出線 ePaper (Chinese version only) 青年會中學震撼修頓勁揪打氣團嗌爆修頓 青年會贏盡掌聲青年會唔驚裘錦秋奪首勝青年會打氣團夠晒氣勢!協恩對青年會贏得險神奇校長教出青年會奇兵神奇校長夠堅 青年會搶出線Panasonic學界籃球賽: 青年會芭蕾X籃球過癮 Video 1st Match: Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Kwai Chung) vs CYMCASS 2nd Match: Heep Yunn School vs CYMCASS ONE TEAM ONE DREAM 籃 ● 夢
In order to disseminate the latest frontline news about the upcoming “Panasonic Inter-School Basketball Competition 2015”, our Girls Basketball Team was invited to an exclusive interview by “Oriental Daily News” and “The Sun” on 5th May, 2015.   Under the leadership of our Principal, our superb team exhibited our overwhelming unity and determination.   You can click the following links to view the original newspaper texts or interview extracts in Chinese version. 1. Oriental Daily News 2. Oriental Daily News(ePaper) 3. The Sun 4. The Sun(ePaper) 5. (interview extracts) 6. Our school movie of “Basketball Teen Video-shooting Contest”