Academic Year
2024 - 2025
DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)
To enhance students’ learning ability, DEAR time is incorporated in the daily timetable to provide time for students to read books outside the curriculum. By holding regular book fairs and organizing award schemes, we cultivate students’ reading habit, helping them grow and care about the community.
Learning Resources Centre
Apart from book-borrowing, we also provide a number of computers for students to do research, view books on CDs and make online reservations for books in public libraries. Moreover, there is a variety of Christian books, movie discs and chess games in the Home of Christ.
Useful Links
- Hong Kong Public Libraries:
- Hong Kong Education City Library:
- Hong Kong Education City – English Center:
- Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union offers a scheme to encourage reading, with territory-wide / inter-school activities such as reading carnival, inter-school reading camp, book fairs, etc.: