A visit to Hong Kong International Aviation Academy (2023/05/09 & 2023/11/03)

Academic Year
2022 - 2023

To collaborate with our tailor-made AEROSTEM Education Program in our school, CYMCASS S5 students who study Physics and Mathematics (M2) joined a one-day visit to Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, which offered a chance for students to learn basic aviation knowledge and inspired their interest in joining the work fore in the airport, particularly preparing themselves to be a aircraft engineer.   Students were also introduced what aircraft maintenance was about and how the aviation industry could provide them with a good potential chances for future career. 

The highlight of the activity was that students were arranged to go with their special permits to enter a ramp restricted area where a genuine 767-300ER aircraft was parking. Instructors explained the design of the aircraft to our students in small groups  and the further workplace situations. It truly inspires and builds their interest in aviation.